Thursday, April 10, 2008

Journal 6

Inspiration was a really cool program that out dates all other forms of brainstorming. It is very easy to use and gives a great visual representation of your thoughts. I think students would really like to use it, especially high school students having trouble with essay building. I even now sometimes build essays the brainstorming way and use a similar structure on my scratch paper. I like the visual layout of the program. I like adding my own pictures which I was able to do, and it is a pretty simple procedure. The ability to use the rapid fire was also helpful because it eliminates unnecessary clicking.
If i were a high school teacher i would incorporate this into every essay assignment I ever gave. I would also use it when doing a class discussion about a modeled essay. I really like the brainstorming method and that is exactly what inspiration allows you to do. I think for the elementary school levels, this program would be good for book reports. Each category could be a different chapter or theme. I think instructors could use it for K-2 in overhead discussion when trying to cover simple subjects but it couldn’t be too elaborate.
I personally did not use the self tutorial to use the inspiration program. I actually was taught how to use it last year in my other tech class. Whenever i am trying to learn something new though, i usually will use a tutorial video or a help option. I know for the Wiki I did just that because I didn’t realize how easy it was to just add text and save, I thought there was more to it.
I have been using Imovie type software for years. I am really into making home videos of my travels. Time is passing us by every second and you can never take a moment back. What you can do is capture it. I am a firm believer in this and will be a major proponent of Imovie and Imovie type software. It has an easy to use format and gives many options that make it seem professionally done.
In my classroom, I would incorporate Imovie into the classroom by having assignments be done with it. There are many ways in which a student can express both content knowledge and creativity using this software. I think in schools, creativity is taken away, and programs like this allow us to pump it back in.
The Imovie tutorial and others like it are useful. I personally like having a peer show me how to do something. For some reason peer teaching works best for me. Maybe it’s an internal reflex of wanting to be accepted, but my brain seems to just focus so much better when things are taught to me on my own level.


Patrick said...

I love the inspiration jpeg. It looks like the Chargers have some more hiring to do. Did you forward your assignment to Norv Turner?