Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Journal 10

Podcasting Basics: Simple Steps for Introducing Podcasting into Your K-8 Class, Part 2

by Dian Schaffhauser

In this article the author extends from a previous article on "how to" of podcasting in the classroom. Schaffhauser talks about using garage band and itunes as the medium of your lessons. Since i personally don't like mac as much because i have been raised with PC, i like how the author talked about podbean, a PC compatible version. I know when i am teaching, i would love to incorporate my daily lectures to the web.

Another cool aspect she noted was having a podcast be uploaded to a blog. If i was really disciplined, it would be very professional of me to have a daily or weekly blog where i could upload information like that so parents can stay informed with what is going on in the classroom.


1. Whenever i think of podcasting, i always thinks it takes a lot of computer literacy. I wonder; will this be practical for me? According to the article, it is very easy to upload and edit, but when i tried it once before i couldn't get it to work.

2. I know we are always advancing, so i wonder; whats next for podcasting? I then did a little research and found you can not only hear podcasts from websites and your computer, but from VoIP technology. By dialing a phone number, you can hear a menu of available podcasts and features