Sunday, March 9, 2008

Journal #2

Journal #2
In Jim Klein's "social networking for the K 12 set" Mr. Klein discusses the ideas for making technology more assessable to instructors by creating a technology rich environment. He wants to establish a tech supportive tech community, and create opportunities to discuss social, ethical, and legal issues. By instilling these ideals, educators will create the best learning environment for students. Some examples of how he can portray these ideals is through the creation of student community sites. These sites give ways to assist students and instructors to communicate in a better way. They also allow for students and teachers to help each other and learn and grow together. The sites are meant to be easy to read and guide through as to alleviate complications. The sites could also lead to community building and provide current technological advances in the field.

1. What are some ways I would use these types of websites? I think I would create a community classroom website in which everyone has the ability to add to it. A good example would be to have a wiki. I think wikis create a great forum for students and teachers to build and learn from each other. It also gives students the power to create articles on the web that are published.
2. Why is technology in the classroom so important? The future of mankind is going to be hand in hand with computers and the technology we establish. There have been so many new jobs created because of the computer and technology, so I think it is the most vital aspect we will teach to our students. As time progresses and we become even more technologically advanced, I think the importance of technology will only increase.